Be your best you with
 Life Coaching

Feel more inspired, supported, and valued with coaching! We all can use some support from time to time, whether it’s to help us reach a specific goal (get healthier), learn better coping mechanisms, or realize our greatest potential. Partnering with a coach can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and overcome obstacles holding you back.

A collaborative relationship with a life strategy coach can help you with…

A collaborative relationship with a life strategy coach can help you with…

Physical Well-being icon

Physical Well-being

  • Lose weight, gain energy, build strength + resiliency, reduce chronic pain;
  • Develop better health habits + improve self-image;
  • Improve connection/relationship to the body, cultivate self-acceptance.
Emotional Health icon

Emotional Health

  • Lighten worries, stress, anxiety, shame, guilt;
  • Heal or improve significant relationships (self and others);
  • Eliminate self-defeating behaviors and live with more authenticity.

Personal Growth

  • Improve self-esteem and confidence;
  • Deepen awareness around values and belief systems;
  • Learn to navigate obstacles to change to move through life with greater ease + fluidity.

Coaching is an integrated, holistic framework embracing the philosophy that lasting transformation occurs when change happens from the inside out.

This process works by understanding both the mindset and skillset to help people rise above their limitations and create strategies that align with their value system. Coaching understands that every mind and body are unique. It begins with greater awareness of thoughts and belief systems, objectively looking at habits, assessing relationships with self and others, and ultimately leading to a place of greater self-actualization, joy, and freedom.

A life strategy coach can help you…

  • be intentional rather than busy
  • get clear about your values + goals
  • turn hardships into growth + happiness
  • tap into greater purpose and fulfillment
  • set boundaries + eliminate draining commitments
  • repair or improve relationships
  • identify and overcome limiting beliefs
  • create lasting + sustainable change
  • save time + money by keeping you focused

Life coaching is different than therapy because…

A life coach helps you focus on the present moment and how to move forward, whereas a traditional therapist will diagnose and treat pathologies and/or illness. Simply put, a therapist focuses on the “why” of a person’s life while a life coach focuses on the “how”—how to overcome habits, patterns, and beliefs and to design a life of joy and fulfillment.

Design your life with clarity and purpose.

Let’s create the plan together!


Change your life by creating your plan and taking bold action with the support of a coach! Coaching packages include one-on-one sessions, a strategic plan with realistic and attainable steps, and lots of loving accountability holding. Each session is 45-60 minutes in length with email check-ins and supplemental support between session. Invest in yourself today:

Jump Start $800
(8 sessions over 2 months)

Strategize More Package $1100
(12 sessions/3 months)

Ultimate Life Package $2880
(36 sessions/10 months)

Packages are pre-paid and session must be used within the allotted timeframe (no refunds, pro-rates or extensions). All sessions are tele-session done via phone or Zoom.

Let’s get you started on a life of  freedom and joy!


Please fill out the contact form below, and I’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

Enter the city, state (or Province), and country where you are located

Tra is certified through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), a globally-recognized coach training school.  She is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the world’s largest organization of professionally trained coaches.


Kindly print and fill out before your first appointment


Tra’s ability is masterful and always spot-on.

Tra’s unique approach has provided me with clarity and perspective in a way that I haven’t experienced in other work. She has a special sense for uncovering my challenges or areas of anxiety/uneasiness even when I’m not able to clearly verbalize or recognize these feelings on my own. And she has taught me how to calm my stress and anxiety.

Tra’s ability to share stories that address specific feelings and offer alternative approaches to find meaning and gain a positive outcome is masterful and always spot-on. This has helped me understand myself better, adjust my narrative and apply new ways to approach the way I think. Through my work with Tra, I am learning how to find new meaning and purpose in my experiences and uncover opportunities for growth and development.

Jodi F

Tra has had a transformational effect on my life: body, mind and spirit.

I was really at a low point with my health and spirituality when I started to work with Tra. I have never met someone who was able to not only allow me to open up with my challenges and goals, but design a pace and program which really fit what I needed most.

Tra has had a transformational effect on my life: body, mind and spirit. She helped me realize areas of opportunity to make my life whole. She helped me see areas that were locked, where I had built preconceived walls and ways of being. She helped me unlock these, bring light in, and a sense of fluidity within. Thanks, Tra for helping me see the light!

J. Glennon